This comes a week after he threatened to 'behead' anyone who opposed the Ram temple in Ayodhya.
Image credit: Facebook/Raja Singh
BJP MLA from Hyderabad, Raja Singh, does it again. Days after threatening to behead those who opposed a Ram temple at the disputed site at Ayodhya, the Goshamahal legislator has said that there was no place in India, for those who did not sing 'Vande Mataram'.
The MLA was said to be addressing a crowd near Bhopal, along with BJP MLA from Huzur, Rameshwar Sharma.
In a video of the speech that has emerged, Raja Singh says, "You have to sing Vande Mataram. If you don't sing it, you have no right to be in India. You will see soon that we don't have to put a sword to your neck. You will lower your head, get on your knees and accept to sing it because you want to stay in India."
He goes on to add that he has a 'discount' and 'special package' for those who refused."For two days, we will send them to the India-Pakistan border near Punjab. We'll send them to the Pakistan side. In two days, those who do not sing Vande Mataram will come back to India willingly," he adds.
Watch the video below.
1/5) Once again howler of Hyd #RajaSingh ululates in Bhopal and dare to browbeat the Muslims of India that they have to sing #VandeMataram
— Amjed Ullah Khan MBT (@amjedmbt) April 15, 2017
Last week, Singh had said, "To those who warn of dire consequences if Ram Mandir is built, we were waiting for you to say this, so we can behead you. You can hold our feet, and we will make your Babar's Masjid somewhere else. This is Hindustan. If anyone lives here and taunts Hindus, we won't let them stay here."
A day later, he reiterated his demand for a Ram temple at the disputed site in Ayodhya and said that he was ready to give his life, or take a life, for it.
Even during the speech in Bhopal, Singh reportedly charged the crowd with his communal rhetoric, saying “lathi goli marenge, mandir wahi banayenge’’, suggesting that they were ready to shoot people for the Ram temple.
Throughout his speech, the crowd can be seen cheering wildly.
Raja Singh is no stranger to controversy, and the MLA has been accused of making controversial statements and speeches, particularly against Muslims.
Several cases of hate speech and trying to promote enmity between religions are also pending on the MLA.
He has also been arrested a few times in the past.
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