Several parts of Hyderabad lay submerged following heavy incessant rains, with authorities on Sunday sounding a flood alert in Telangana.
Some of the major causes of concern regarding public health now is water contamination and the possibility of a breakout of water-borne diseases.
Here’s a list of dos and don’ts, based on our conversations with doctors, that can be followed in situations of flood.
Most of these are home remedies that you can execute even without power and medical supply. Spread the word and stay safe.
> Using sari as a filter can reduce the chance of cholera and the water-borne diseases. Researchers have found this to be an effective method of filtration in flood-ravaged countries like Bangladesh. While boiling water and then filtering it would be more effective but in cases where people have no access to gas or heating mechanisms, filtering water using the folds of a sari is better than no filtration at all.
> When possible, people should boil water for drinking as well as cooking purposes. It is important to stay hydrated with one person consuming at least 1 litre water a day.
> Have freshly cooked food that's been heated to boiling point. For those with power, avoid refrigerated food to the maximum extent possible.
> Consuming uncontaminated food, using sanitary toilets and using mosquito nets while sleeping are practices that can be followed to infections and diseases at bay.
> If you have no access to drinking water, collect rain water in containers placed on your terrace. This can then be boiled and filtered for use.
> Do not stand in stagnant water. With sewage water getting mixed with all water sources, standing in these stagnant pools can lead to Leptospirosis.Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease caused due to contact with moist vegetation, or dirt contaminated with rodent urine. Some of the precautions that people can take are applying neem or castor oil on their legs and feet before venturing out in flood waters.
> If your food stock is running low at home, take a litre of boiled water and add 5-6 spoons of sugar and 1 spoon of salt. Drinking this at regular intervals will help in keeping the hydration levels high.
> For those with access to medicines, stock up on ORS packets to prevent diarrhea and antiemetic drugs to prevent vomiting.
> In areas where the water is knee-deep, add bleaching powder or salt to it. It works as an effective disinfectant and also prevent bacterial diseases from getting transmitted.
Also read: Hyderabad Floods: Here's which diseases you must watch for and how to prevent them